View Full Version : Solidarity with Japan

03-14-2011, 03:30 PM
President Leonel Fernandez expressed his solidarity with the people of Japan in the name of the Dominican government after the devastating earthquake and tsunami that affected the northeast of Japan.

In a message to Prime Minister Naoto Kan, President Fernandez said: "In the name of the people and the Dominican government, and my own, I express our solidarity with you and your people for the natural events on these so difficult days for Japan caused by the 8.9 grade earthquake, followed by a tsunami, which has caused human victims and material damage."

He said that the Dominican people and the government were joined in prayer so that calm may prevail and the devastating effects may be soon mitigated as has occurred on previous occasions.

In the message he praised Japan's preparedness to counteract such disastrous natural events. He also offered "the modest resources that the DR has to restore the devastated area."

Dominicans have closely followed the tragedy that serves as a major reminder that the DR could be affected by a major earthquake any day. The most vulnerable area is the second largest city, Santiago that is located on a major Caribbean fault.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#1)