View Full Version : Street vendors create chaos in Metro station

03-17-2011, 05:00 PM
The well-circulated Photoshop picture of a theoretical subway station in the Dominican Republic seems to be coming to life with the chaos surrounding the Metro station named for Mama Tingo. The city government of Santo Domingo North is struggling to deal with dozens of street vendors operating in the area. Fruits, basic foods, shoes and used clothing are on sale just a few feet away from the Metro station in Villa Mella, and just last Friday the Public Service Department of the city sent out notifications that these vendors had to move their operations.

Spokespersons for the city said that in a few months the area would be cleaned up and would look very different. At the moment thin ropes are limiting access for the vendors, and passengers can at least get in and out of the station without bumping into the fruit stands. However, some enterprising vendors carry their merchandise into the walkways for entering and exiting passengers.

Everything from candles to BlackBerry covers is on sale. A spokesman for the street vendors told El Caribe reporter Felivia Mejia that the city had not really shown any interest in moving them out, nor had they offered them any real alternative sites for their businesses.

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