View Full Version : Gano Papa makes Twitter trending topic

03-17-2011, 05:00 PM
Thousands of young people seem to be lining up with former President Hipolito Mejia as he seeks to return to the Presidency in 2012, observes Hiddekel Morrison, telecom editor for Diario Libre. Evidence of the strong following that Mejia's aspiration enjoys among the young is the placement of the words "Gano Papa" - "Dad Won", as a top 10 trending topics with Twitter on 7 March, the day after the primary. The phrase is a follow-up on the campaign slogan, "Dad's Here" that refers to Papa's (Hipolito Mejia) return to the ring. Prior to the passing of the 2010 Constitution that enabled Mejia to run for President again, Mejia had a 4% acceptance. He won the PRD primary with 53.7% of the vote.

The youth movements campaigned aggressively against President Leonel Fernandez's stance in favor of the construction of a cement plant in Los Haitises, adjacent to a National Park, and for an increase in the government budget for education, through the 4% movement.

www.whatthetrend.com/trend/Gano%20Papa (http://www.whatthetrend.com/trend/Gano%20Papa)

www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=283390 (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=283390)

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#14)