View Full Version : Asonahores boycotts weddings

03-18-2011, 05:40 PM
The National Hotel & Tourism Association (Asonahores) is advising foreigners not to get married in the DR. The reason given is that they deem excessive the charge being leveled by the Central Electoral Board (JCE). The JCE has increased the cost for foreigners to marry here from US$100 to US$500. The RD$20,000 charge does not include an additional fee for the issuing of the marriage certificate.

Arturo Villanueva, executive vice president of Asonahores, called for a nationwide boycott on the celebration of weddings until the JCE responds to their call for reductions in the cost of weddings, as reported in El Dia.

To get around the high cost, many couples go through the official marriage abroad and then have a mock ceremony here for the record, saving the high cost of actually marrying here.

As reported in Hoy, Villanueva considered that the president of the JCE Roberto Rosario acted irresponsibly in authorizing an increase of up to 300% in the wedding fee for foreigners.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)