View Full Version : Politicizing the National Council of the Magistracy

03-21-2011, 03:10 PM
Judges interviewed at the Ciudad Nueva Palace of Justice told Hoy that the changes to the National Council of the Magistracy bill proposed by President Fernandez and fast-tracked through Congress by the PLD legislators are politicizing the council. They criticized the fact that the President included the Prosecutor General (who is a Presidential appointee) and stipulated that the Prosecutor will replace the President if he is absent. In the past, the chief of the Supreme Court of Justice would have represented the President.

As reported in Hoy, the judges claim that the Supreme Court of Justice has been divested of its roles. The judges, who opted to speak anonymously for fear of reprisals, also made the point that the Executive Branch sought to divest the Supreme Court of Justice of its control of constitutionality, of appointing and removing judges and of the administration of justice, duties that were placed under the remit of the new National Council of the Judiciary.

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