View Full Version : An honest policeman

03-21-2011, 03:10 PM
Lieutenant Colonel Jose Ruiz Mejia was in command of two patrols that arrested five thieves who had stolen RD$14 million from an exchange house. The assailants offered him to take whatever he wanted in return for letting them go. The assailants included a former policeman and a former army captain. He recalls that they told him: "Commander, there (in the exchange house safe) are more than RD$10 million. You could no longer be poor, tell us what you want."

El Dia reports that Ruiz Mejia lives in a humble dwelling built of blocks, wood and zinc. He does not have his own vehicle and earns just RD$20,000 a month. He has four children and lives with two of them and his wife Albis Concepcion, who helps with household expenses.

He told El Dia that being an honest person was more important to him. He is 54 years old and has been in the Police for 32 years. He is also a lawyer and accountant and says he has refused bribes many times.

As reported in El Dia, he said that from the moment the police was alerted of the robbery at Marino Dolar, on San Isidro Highway, he activated two patrols and located the vehicle that was described and arrested five of the eight thieves.

"I don't regret what I did. I am honest and I will continue to be so till the day I die, he said. "Money isn't everything."

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