View Full Version : Some reactions to recent violence

10-02-2006, 05:30 PM
Cardinal Lopez Rodriguez has said that the government ought to reinforce the security measures in order to put a stop to the recent outbreak of violence that has resulted on more than a dozen violent deaths in the last week. The Cardinal said, "Things were going well. I do not know if there was a let down in the security measures or if violence is on the increase." The Armed Forces Minister, Lieutenant General Ramon Antonio Quino Garcia said that the recent violence is random and isolated from the mainstream, and that the government measures have succeeded in decreasing crime. At a mass at the Fernando Valerio Fort in Santiago, bishop Jesus Maria de Jesus Moya told his congregation that society needed to fight against crime, and the best way of doing this was by creating jobs, education and opportunities. The two prelates and the minister were speaking during ceremonies marking Armed Forces Day in the Dominican Republic.

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