View Full Version : Respect called for laws and institutions

03-25-2011, 05:40 PM
The National Business Council (Conep) has reaffirmed its position and protest against the Legislative Branch for its failure to observe Art. 112 of the 2010 Constitution that establishes that to approve or modify organic laws a vote in favor is required from two-thirds of the legislators present at the session. They dismissed comments from Presidency Minister Cesar Pina Toribio who said that their opposition to the passing of changes to the rules for the National Council of the Magistracy with a simple majority by the legislature was an attempt by the private sector to intimidate the government, as well as being anti-democratic.

In a published advertisement in the press today, the business community represented by 67 associations calls for the authorities to listen to their demand for the fulfillment of the Constitution. It stresses that the business sector considers the strengthening and preservation of the country's institutions as one of the national priorities due to the impact on the investment climate and the profile of the society that is required for development and successful participation in the global market.

"Respect for the law, judicial security and the guarantee of having independent judicial bodies are the cornerstone for development that all Dominicans should promote," states the document.

The National Council of the Magistracy is the body in charge of selecting the judges for the Supreme Court of Justice, the Constitutional Court and the Higher Electoral Court. The Presidency has sent changes that analysts say give the President control over the members and the deciding vote now that the President amended the bill to add the Prosecutor General as the eighth member of the Constitutional Court.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#2)