View Full Version : Another perk for transport unions

03-25-2011, 05:40 PM
The Executive Branch has established compensation of three million gallons of fuel for three months for registered transporters of the urban, interurban, cargo and tourism transport. The compensation is a sum equal to the taxes on the fuel established by laws applied to regular diesel. The measure is contained in Decree 183-11 that sets the total to RD$3 million gallons a month for three months.

As reported in Hoy, vehicles registered with the Ground Transport Office (OTTT), the Metropolitan Transport Authority (AMET), the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Public Works are eligible for the compensation.

The compensation is not transferable in any way.

The compensation came as a result of negotiations with transport sector leaders to prevent them from increasing their rates again, following the increases in fuel prices.

The private sector complained that the government already accepted a 30% increase from the cargo transporters, which maintain a forced monopoly on freight.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)