View Full Version : JCE interviews begin today

10-04-2006, 06:40 PM
The Special Senate Committee starts interviewing candidates for seats on the Central Electoral Board (JCE) today. 243 have applied to sit on the board that will manage the next two upcoming elections. Senate president Reynaldo Pared Perez is chairing the committee. Pared will interview 21 candidates in the morning and 21 candidates in the afternoon. The process will continue in this format through Friday when the first phase of the selection process ends.
Nine of the proposed candidates have requested that their names be withdrawn from consideration. However, one new-old face has surfaced as an aspirant: former civil registry official Luis Felipe Rodriguez. Lawyer Rodriguez became a popular hero when he refused to charge people for copies of their official records such as birth certificates or divorce decrees. Rodriguez worked at the 12th Civil Registry Circumscription in the National District until he was fired for telling reporters that some civil registry officials were making money by charging for documents that were supposed to be free to the public. He told Hoy reporters that he has the backing of 160 religious, social, commercial and educational groups.

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