View Full Version : First Lady honored in Providence

03-28-2011, 03:30 PM
First Lady Margarita Cedeno, a lawyer by profession, was in Providence, Rhode Island last week, where she received the key to the city from Mayor Angel Taveras, born to Dominican parents. Her visit coincided with the celebration of International Women's Day. As reported in the Providence Journal, Cedeno made the trip to Rhode Island as a guest of honor at the annual Extraordinary Women's Award dinner at The Westin Providence. The 11-year old event honors women in the state who have made a difference through their passion for justice and equality and desire to make society a better place.

When asked if she would aspire to the Presidency, she said. "We never plan. We just do things.You work, and if that work causes people to want you in a certain place so be it. That's a politician's dream. But it's not something you can aspire to. The inspiration must come from the people."

The event at the Westin was attended by nearly 300 dinner guests, including three of the four members of Rhode Island's congressional delegation.

In the Dominican Republic, she said, more than half of the heads of households are female. Stating that: "We are the agents of transformation," she said women were the key to progress in a vast array of areas, especially when it comes to health and to money, because "we are much better at investing than men."

And women, she said, are the biggest promoters of education and health.

Yet, she said, 75 percent of women in the world don't have access to capital, and "that's a challenge."

Cedeno de Fernandez, who was designated as an Extraordinary Ambassador to the United National Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for her commitment to fighting malnutrition, is also known for getting behind projects aimed at eliminating discrimination and violence against women.

www.projo.com/news/content/DOMINICAN_FIRST_LADY_03-26-11_TGN78E4_v12.1afa219.html (http://www.projo.com/news/content/DOMINICAN_FIRST_LADY_03-26-11_TGN78E4_v12.1afa219.html)

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