View Full Version : Dominicans to climb Everest

03-28-2011, 03:30 PM
Federico Jovine, Ivan Gomez and Karim Mella will become the first Dominicans to attempt to scale Mount Everest as part of a project to climb seven of the world's highest mountains since 2004. The mountaineers will spend a month's training at the three camps at Mount Everest to acclimatize their body to the extreme temperatures. They told Listin Diario that the human body could only withstand 15 minutes at that altitude. The hike is programmed for 10 May. The 8,850-meter mountain is the highest in the world. "Whoever starts the hike using their own feet needs to come down the same way," they said. The bodies of climbers who died in the attempt can be seen along the climb.

The group has already climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa's highest mountain at 5,895 meters or 19,341 ft (2005), Aconcagua in Argentina, the highest mountain in the Americas at 6,962m (22,841 ft (2006) and Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in the Russian Caucasus at 5,642 meters (18,510 ft) (2009).

The budget for the 2011 climb is RD$11,340,000. The registration fee alone for each climber is US$25,000.

Previously, climbers from Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guatemala and Puerto Rico from Latin America and the Caribbean have climbed Mt. Everest.

As reported in Diario Libre, since 1953 a total of 2,708 people have reached the summit of Everest, and a further 216 have died in the attempt.

To follow the extreme adventure, see www.excelsior.com.do (http://www.excelsior.com.do)

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