View Full Version : Jurists applaud return of legislation

03-29-2011, 04:10 PM
The return of the Organic Bill of the National Council of Magistrates to the National Congress by the Executive Branch provides an opportunity to correct a constitutional error, after its initial approval by a simple majority, according to several jurists who described the move by President Leonel Fernandez as "positive" and "judicious" in interviews with Diario Libre and other newspapers.

The president the Foundation for Transparency and Justice (Finjus), Trajano Vidal Portentini, and the president of the Dominican Association of Independent Lawyers, Eduardo Tavarez Guerrero agreed with this decision. Vidal believes that the return of the legislation to the Congress has succeeded in allaying fears that the administration would try and do the same thing with the Organic Bill of the Constitutional Tribunal.

Tavarez says that it is important to make amends for the error caused by the failure to approve the legislation with the special, two-thirds majority in the first place. He says that by fulfilling his duty to enforce the Constitution and the laws, the President of the Republic has adopted the decision and has sent the legislation back so that the Chamber of Deputies can approve it in compliance with the 2010 Constitution.

Meanwhile, the PRD announced that it would study the return of the CNM legislation made by the Executive Branch to the Chamber of Deputies, the last body to approve it (although by a simple majority).

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