View Full Version : The big question: Who saw the signatures?

03-29-2011, 04:10 PM
A total of 700 volumes said to contain 2,213,128 signatures in support of President Leonel Fernandez's re-election were presented to the President during an event in Santo Domingo's Palacio de los Deportes on Sunday.

However, according to a report in El Nuevo Diario, nobody outside of the PLD groups sponsoring the event was ever shown the actual signatures. According to reports, the 700 volumes containing the signatures were being wheeled in onto the stage, but when reporters got close and tried to open one of the volumes, they were chased away by security personnel who said, "you can't open those books. It is prohibited". Nonetheless several reporters tried to catch a glimpse of the books during a lapse in surveillance, but once again the young people who were taking them onstage stopped them from looking. There have been calls from several quarters to see the signatures.

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