View Full Version : Privileged Edesur client, Euclides Gutierrez

04-04-2011, 04:00 PM
On Saturday's edition of her investigative TV program, journalist Nuria Piera told the story of PLD politician Euclides Gutierrez who owes RD$3.6 million in past electricity consumption bills to EdeSur, but the company has not disconnected his service, despite a four-year dispute. Gutierrez, who holds the post of Superintendent of Insurance in the Fernandez administration, is demanding RD$2.5 million compensation for diesel purchases and maintenance expenses for his 20, 30 and 50kw power plants, as he explained in a letter to Nuria Piera.

On her program, Nuria Piera doubts a legal case is in process. She said that the legal appeal was addressed to Edesur and not to Protecom and it has not moved from what would be the first level of claim.

She reported that Protecom has resolved 121,700 cases, but has yet to receive any appeal from Gutierrez.

The Gutierrez claim is based on Art. 93 in the Electricity Law 125-01 that establishes that power distribution companies need to compensate final users for electricity not served. "If all users that receive blackouts made this claim, then Edesur would have to be closed," said Piera. Gutierrez placed his claim on 14 December 2006 complaining about blackouts.

Piera pointed out that Gutierrez Felix is receiving privileged treatment from Edesur. "Any other user who does not pay for the service will be cut off, but not this one," she said. She presented the case of a neighbor of Gutierrez whose service was disconnected the day after he did not pay for the service.

On her show, Piera highlighted: "Gutierrez Felix continues to receive regular service, and his meter No. 4106545 shows a last reading RD$33,852.25 and accumulated debt of RD$3,606,999.99 but they do not cut off his service," said Piera.


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