View Full Version : Protest for violation of the law

04-04-2011, 04:00 PM
Representatives of the Herrera Industries Association and the Federation of Industrial Associations (FAI) have criticized the way that despite the law establishing that tax exemptions will be granted by the Department of Taxes (DGII) and the Department of Customs (DGA), in Decree 162-11 the government has granted the Ministry of Hacienda the prerogative to decide on these exemptions. That is, the Ministry will have discretionary powers on deciding who gets what, despite the exemptions being established by law.

Wadi Cano Acra of Herrera and Ignacio Mendez of FAI criticized the new discretionality in government that is placed above the law, as reported in El Caribe. The new decree was issued on 15 March 2011 and violates the Competitiveness and Industrial Innovation Law 392-07.

"We fear that this decree, which changes the rules for incentives to industry, including apparel and footwear, affects manufacturing but also tourism, will open doors to favoritism, delays in the processes, unfair competition and loss of confidence in judicial security," the business groups say in a written document.

"One thing is to analyze the cost/benefit for a country from the incentives in place to stimulate industrial innovation, as demanded by the International Monetary Fund, and another is to make the government red tape more cumbersome by creating additional procedures," they complain. They backed statements by Franklin Leon, president of the Cerveceria Nacional Dominicana (CND) who in a talk to the American Chamber of Commerce called for consolidating institutions and juridical security for stimulating competitiveness, as reported in El Caribe.

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