View Full Version : Another 4% demonstration

04-05-2011, 04:30 PM
Holding up yellow umbrellas and wearing yellow caps, and chanting the slogan "4% for Education", the Coalition for a Decent Education returned to the esplanade of the government office buildings on Av. Mexico, across the street from the Presidential Palace. According to El Nuevo Diario they are calling the place "4% Plaza". The members of the coalition say that they will keep up the fight until the administration complies with the law that obliges 4% of the budget to be dedicated to education. More than 200 civil society groups have joined the coalition.

On Sunday thousands of Dominicans attended the "Yellow Voices for 4% for a Decent Education" concert that was held in the Plaza Espana. Dozens of radio and television commentators also supported the concert.

Hoy reports that Oprah Winfrey sent her support via Twitter for the 4% concert for more funds for education in the DR. Others backing the effort on Twitter were Juanes from Colombia and Alejandro Sanz from Spain. Juan Luis Guerra called fellow artists to join the effort.

Victor Victor, head of Culture during a former Fernandez administration, called for the concert, Yellow Voices, to be taken to several provinces with the same format.

The initiative calls for 4% of GDP for education, as is law, or 16% of the National Budget to be assigned to public education in the DR.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#4)