View Full Version : A possible solution for HN and MVM?

04-06-2011, 04:50 PM
The proposals for reaching a consensus that would lead to unity and victory for the PRD and which would put an end to the internal crisis unleashed by the results of the nominating convention, involve an extension of the mandate of the party authorities until 2014, after some restructuring, as well as applying a proportion of the jobs between the Hipolito Mejia and Miguel Vargas Maldonado factions.

Diario Libre says that the suggestions that should be ratified by Mejia and Vargas Maldonado in an agreement to be signed in the next few days, establish moreover that in October 2014 the party will hold the Ordinary Convention to choose the new PRD authorities, as well as the appointment of the party finance secretary and the political and technical delegates to the Central Electoral Board will be left to the candidate elect. Also the negotiating commissions of both groups established that Miguel's followers would join Hipolito's campaign efforts, the writing of a public document backing the candidate elect, with a programmatic agreement and a call for unity and integration.

"Delegate to Mejia and Vargas Maldonado the application of the proportionality contemplated in the "Partners' Pact" and what is set forth in the party statutes", the proposal for the agreement argues. Commissions should be appointed from both parts to write up the document. In the meantime, in their proposal for unity the Mejia group suggested that the compromise talks should be based around what was agreed upon in the Unity Pact that was worked out by the National Organizing Commission for the Convention, signed together with Vargas Maldonado last 3 March. It is expected that shortly Vargas Maldonado will announce when he will speak to the country to confirm his stance on the pact, which Mejia has accepted.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#10)