View Full Version : Catastrophic diseases coverage debated

04-07-2011, 05:10 PM
In response to a recent statement by Public Health Minister Bautista Rojas Gomez who accused him of being "an employee of the ARS", the health insurance companies, the Superintendent of Health and Labor Risks Fernando Caamano defended himself in a full page advertisement in the press today.

In an interview with Hoy published on 6 April, the Minister accused Caamano of defending the interests of the companies and not the general public. In the interview, Rojas complained that the health providers created all sorts of obstacles in order to avoid covering expensive pharmaceuticals, when the social security regime has approved coverage of RD$1 million per patient. "He is an employee of the ARS, but he has the mission of making the ARS meet the commitment they have with the affiliates," said Rojas Gomez. Rojas says he favors a change to Law 87-01 on Social Security.

Rojas Gomez has said the SISALRIL has the obligation of making the ARS cover the treatments of patients with catastrophic diseases, even if the pharmaceuticals and procedures are not listed in the company catalogues.

Rojas Gomez has called for the law to be modified, six years after it first began to be applied in 2005.

Answering the comment by Rojas Gomez, in the advertisement Caamano calls advances in the social security system to increase the efficiency of the health providers. He called for the start of the implementation of the Public Health Network program, conditions for the operation of the Health Care Model in the private sector to reduce costs for health plan affiliates, the implementation of the therapeutic guides and service protocols and reference rates and that they should be abided by the ARS for the cost-effectiveness in health expenditures, and the implementation of a system of references and counter-references to establish standards for services and levels of care that ensure maximum savings for affiliates.

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2011/4/6/370042/Ministro-critica-el-modelo-de-la-seguridad-social (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2011/4/6/370042/Ministro-critica-el-modelo-de-la-seguridad-social)

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