View Full Version : The mighty marbete

10-11-2006, 06:40 PM
Vehicle-owners who waited until the last minute to get their marbete stickers yesterday were not surprised to be greeted with long lines, but by the end of the day 140,000 citizens still hadn't obtained their sticker. According to Alfredo Mirabal, the director of the Internal Revenue Office's Motor Vehicle Department, this represents 25% of the national fleet of motor vehicles. Drivers will now have to pay an additional RD$400 to get the sticker. Those who are brave enough to drive in the streets without the documentation should be prepared, as the Metropolitan Transport Authority (AMET) will start impounding vehicles without the marbete sticker. The additional RD$400 that drivers will have to pay to get their marbetes means that the General Direction for Internal Taxes (DGII) will collect an extra RD$56 million. The IRO will keep open the express windows that are scattered around the country, and according to Mirabal, the savings and loan associations have also expressed an interest in helping the public to renew their stickers. No decision has been taken regarding the use of the S&L organizations, but Mirabal did say that the express windows would only be open until 31 October.

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