View Full Version : Families evicted

10-11-2006, 06:40 PM
The recent violent removal of 12 families from their homes is being described as illegal and inhumane, and a defense for the rights of those removed is being mounted. Last week police began evicting families who lived in Santo Domingo's San Rafael neighborhood, and this week went on to burn down the houses in question, causing some women and infant children to be hospitalized with respiratory problems, and others to be sent to jail. Police armed with guns and tear gas entered the neighborhood and continued the evictions. The case provoked reactions from Dr. Antonio Cruz Jiminian and lawyer Domingo Porfirio Rojas Nina, who is high commissioner for Human Rights (CNDH). Both called on President Leonel Fernandez to halt the removals. They also called for an investigation of Police Chief Bernardo Santana Paez for ordering the removals without the proper legal order, and said that Santana has not returned phone calls to comment on the matter. As if to add insult to all the injury, an unidentified man, believed to be the property owner, hovered over the scene in a helicopter waiting for the removals to finish.

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