View Full Version : DA: PN car case ruling "shameful"

10-12-2006, 03:23 PM
District Attorney Jose Manuel Hernandez Peguero reacted angrily yesterday against the ruling that acquitted 37 active and retired police officials accused of making private use of stolen vehicles that had been recovered by the Police. Clave Digital reports that Hernandez Peguero believes the ruling by Acting Judge of the National District Court of First Instance, Rosanna Isabel Vasquez Febrillet, is contradictory because it says that the acts were not a felony and in another part of her ruling she states that there was insufficient evidence. "If there was no crime, as stated by the Judge, then there was no need to assess the evidence", said the DA. He called the case to the attention of the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Jorge Subero Isa, indicating that this sort of ruling is a mortal blow to the credibility of a branch of government that is to judge criminals who keep recovered property without the consent of its owners.
A press release by the Institutionalism and Justice Foundation (FINJUS) expresses surprise at the ruling. FINJUS Executive vice president, Dr. Servio Tulio Castanos Guzman, recalled that in late 2004, the Dominican public reacted with disbelief to the news that the National Police was engaging in the illicit practice of keeping recovered stolen vehicles for the private use of its officials and their relatives. The argument in the ruling that states the use of stolen vehicles is not illicit; is amazing, states FINJUS. It calls on the Justice Branch and the Justice Department to clear up the circumstances that resulted in this ruling. National Business Council (CONEP) president Elena Viyella de Paliza said that it is incomprehensible that the judge could make that decision and that independent judges are needed who are willing to take on the responsibility that corresponds with the job, and who are willing to punish those responsible for wrongdoing, regardless of who it is.

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