View Full Version : Ministry and ADP on work stoppages

04-12-2011, 04:30 PM
The president of the Dominican Public Schoolteachers Association (ADP) Radhames Camacho said yesterday that the time during which teachers are not teaching because of a work stoppage or any other situation, it not wasted, because it is not like a clock, and the content is covered at a later stage.

According to Diario Libre, Camacho neither justifies nor condemns the work stoppages. He said it is a way for the teachers to express their feelings of impotence, in this case, over the difficulties they are experiencing with the health services provided by the health service provider "Semma".

Meanwhile, Education Minister Josefina Pimentel called on teachers to comply with the school year calendar, in order to make the most of the 47 remaining days of the school year.

Pimentel and Camacho's statements were made in response to the concerns expressed by the president of pro-education campaigning organization Educa, Geroge Santoni Recio, who questioned the suspension of classes in some areas of the country.

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