View Full Version : Fernandez re-election team behind Margarita

04-12-2011, 04:30 PM
The team that promoted President Leonel Fernandez's re-election is now behind First Lady Margarita Cedeno, reports El Dia. Senator for Dajabon, Sonia Mateo said that her colleague Felix Bautista, who is senator for San Juan de la Maguana (but has never attended a session), the director of the Santo Domingo Water Corporation Freddy Perez, Agriculture Minister Salvador (Chio) Jimenez and Public Works Minister Victor Diaz Rua will be the workhorses to get the party to select Margarita Cedeno as the PLD candidate for the 2012 presidential election.

El Dia reports that Cedeno has yet to formally announce her candidacy, but after being registered by the party she sent out a message via Twitter thanking the members of the PLD Central Committee for their support and said she is committed to continue working for the country's development. Mateo said that Margarita Cedeno would seek the Presidency and not the Vice Presidency, as rumors had circulated that there could be a duo n Danilo Medina for President, and Margarita Cedeno for Vice President. "We are President Fernandez's people and we are going to do the job, because Dona Margarita deserves our support," said Sonia Mateo, as reported in El Dia.

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