View Full Version : IDB conditions budget support

04-13-2011, 05:20 PM
The Inter-American Development Bank has made its budget support programs conditional on the achievement of significant improvements in the electricity sector. According to the IDB representative for the Dominican Republic Manuel Labrado, some US$364 million is available for financing projects in the country, but this is linked to improvements in the electricity sector. He added that there was money available for the private sector. El Nuevo Diario said that the IDB representative shared the opinion of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that the Dominican economy is pretty healthy and showing an acceptable growth rate in comparison to other nations in the area. IMF maps are showing the DR in blue and countries like Spain and France in pink and Portugal in red, which means that the DR is on a good footing. The IDB representative was interviewed at the Presidential Palace after his meeting with Economy, Planning and Development Minister Temistocles Montas, where they discussed non-refundable technical cooperation projects.

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