View Full Version : Strong criticisms

10-13-2006, 04:00 PM
Ex Central Electoral Board (JCE) president, Manuel Ramon Morel Cerda has harshly criticized the current group of JCE judges, who he said have done a terrible job. In comments to Diario Libre, Morel said that their tenure has been an unprecedented disaster, and criticized the way the JCE handled the budget, favoritism in choosing government officials, the rise in the payroll, and the contracting of services that have caused the JCE to have financial difficulties.
Meanwhile, a senatorial block of PRD members has come to its own conclusion as to how the JCE judges should be chosen. According to the block, the main political parties, the Special Commission of the Senate, civil society representatives and the Catholic Church, represented by Monsignor Agripino Nunez Collado, should meet and unanimously choose JCE judges.

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