View Full Version : Corrupt run lose, but messenger in jail

04-14-2011, 05:50 PM
There is a saying in the DR that the rope breaks at its finest point, and that is the case of the messenger in jail without bail after stealing RD$5.4 million in the name of love for his girlfriend from his employer and the corrupt in government who are enjoying the fruits of their labors, points out Raul Perez Pena (Bacho) in today's Listin Diario. He was referring to the case of messenger Carlos David Garcia Rojas, who was on a run for a month until finally being found by the Police and arrested.

"That explains the emporium of impunity that the governments of the imperfect democracy as we make our way to celebrate 50 years after Trujillo.

He says that the messenger's arrest is also evidence of the unfairness of a system where justice is not applied to the government big shots who benefit from impunity.

He mentions that while the messenger is in jail, we read of the cases of Euclides Gutierrez who refused to pay his power bill, the PEME government program, all the extra payrolls in government, the Sun Land case, the officials who have enjoyed assets repossessed from drug traffickers, and those who drive luxury vehicles and boast mansions and penthouses with heliports.

He highlights that the messenger is in jail, but those responsible for the government's electronic portal, the INDRHI and the Promipyme scandal are on the loose.

"The messenger is in jail while the mockery with a capital M known as the Department for the Prosecution of Administrative Corruption (DPCA) is still open. The messenger is in jail but we have lost count of the thousands of millions of dollars that corruption has taken in the past governments," he observes.

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