View Full Version : Poverty and Democracy

10-13-2006, 04:00 PM
Former Peruvian president Alejandro Toledo spoke yesterday at the Foundation for Global Development and Democracy (Funglode) and expressed his concerns about poverty and social inequalities that are plaguing Latin America. He declared that governments should spend more money on education, health, and nutrition programs. Toledo, accompanied by President Leonel Fernandez made his comments during a speech called, "The fight against poverty and governance in Latin America." Toledo is quoted as saying that poverty, though supported by large companies, can conspire against democracy. During his speech Toledo remarked on some startling statistics. According to him globally more than 100 million people live on less that US$1 per day while 230 million live on less than US$2 a day, and that in Latin America 260 million live on less than US$2, which he described as "very cruel".

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