View Full Version : Fake RD$500 bills

04-15-2011, 02:10 PM
Forged RD$500 bills are circulating. Listin Diario reports that the fake bills are a slightly lighter shade of blue than the real ones, are 3mm smaller and the paper is slightly thinner, meaning the forged bills wrinkle easily. While strikingly similar, the blurred blue is the easiest way to detect the forged bills at eye glance. The newspaper prints a photo of the forged bill compared to the genuine bill.

www.listin.com.do/economia-and-negocios/2011/4/14/184782/Cuidado-circulan-RD500-falsos (http://www.listin.com.do/economia-and-negocios/2011/4/14/184782/Cuidado-circulan-RD500-falsos)

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