View Full Version : Real pirates of the Caribbean

10-16-2006, 06:00 PM
In Andres, Boca Chica, assailants have raided boats tied up at the local docks. Diario Libre says that the lack of constant patrols by the Navy is partly to blame for the robberies. Many of the boats that have been broken into belong to foreigners. The robbers move about in small craft and are armed with pistols. The newspaper talked to several tourists who did not want their names in print, and they said that they had never seen the navy patrolling the area. One couple was surprised by six men as they slept aboard the Golden Dawn that was anchored at the wharf in Andres, in front of the Club Nautico. They said that they were tied up and everything they had was stolen, including a 12 ga. shotgun, and money. Navy officials said that they patrol the area from the beach in Boca Chica to Andres, but only from the shore since they do not have any patrol boats available.

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