View Full Version : Pilot arrested with cocaine

04-25-2011, 06:50 PM
Retired Air Force colonel Jose Guillermo Gonzalez Vanderhorst, 45, was arrested on Saturday with 21 packages of cocaine when about to carry out a transaction with a man named as Luis Manuel Jimenez in front of a gasoline station on the San Isidro Highway. The DNCD stopped the men from escaping when they fled after noting they had been caught. El Dia said that Gonzalez is known for several irregularities while in the force. The newspaper mentions one case of a check of US$65,000 that he allegedly self-appropriated, and for his ties to the irregular sales of several turbines of Air Force planes to a Colombian company. It mentions that he also is suspected of ties to people smuggling, but never was legally prosecuted for these charges.

El Dia says their sources at the National Drug Control Department (DNCD) said he was monitored on suspicion of being a key member of an international drug trafficking operation. Gonzalez was a well-known Dominican private and military pilot. Intelligence data says he had high-level contacts in Haiti.

He was retired from the Air Force on 30 April 2007, following irregularities while he was in charge of the procurement office.

El Dia reports that Gonzalez was a flight instructor and commercial pilot. He had a commercial pilot license and one as a flight instructor issued by the Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation (IDAC). Local press published a photograph where Gonzalez appears with former US President Bill Clinton.


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