View Full Version : Service beyond medical duty

04-25-2011, 06:50 PM
Today's Listin Diario reports the case of Miguel Alfredo Polanco, a medical intern on call at the emergency room of the Francisco Moscoso Puello public hospital in Santo Domingo, who prevented a tragedy on Friday.

As reported, a gang violently entered the hospital operating room, wielding knives and bottles of alcoholic drinks, injuring a patient and threatening the lives of the medical staff. The incident occurred after patient Isa Mary Alcantara arrived in the emergency hall. Her alleged aggressor Yafreysi Morillo arrived shortly after, armed with a knife, and stabbed the patient again. Intern Polanco, who is a medical student at UTESA, a major at the Firefighters Academy and a student of martial arts, intervened swiftly and overpowered the aggressor. "I saw that at that moment we were all in danger, so I had to immobilize the person to prevent another attack," the student shyly told the Listin journalist. The Police arrested at least 10 people in connection with the incident, which occurred at around 10pm on Friday, causing a great deal of tension at the hospital.

As of Sunday morning, the Moscoso Puello Hospital had treated 85 stab victims during the Easter break.

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