View Full Version : Opret gets first rails for Metro 2

05-03-2011, 03:20 PM
The Transport Reorganization Office (Opret) has received the first rails that will be installed on the second line of the Santo Domingo Metro system. This line will have a total of 14 kilometers of rails. Opret deputy director Leonel Carrasco reported that the rails would soon start being installed at the station at Lope de Vega Avenue with John F. Kennedy.

According to Carrasco, the Line 2 tunnel is being dug from San Martin Avenue to Nunez de Caceres at the intersection with John F. Kennedy. "We have not begun to dig below the Euromotors building", said the deputy director, while stressing that the type of soil there is similar to that at the intersection of John F. Kennedy with Dr. Defillo Street, a good indication that the tunneling will progress at a similar pace. Carrasco said that the excavation work under the V Centennial Expressway would start this month, and they expect the soil to be easier to dig. "There is some coral rock and compacted clay that will ease the work for the type of equipment that we have, so we think that the work there will progress with relative speed", he said.

The Opret deputy director said he anticipated that the second line would be delivered in February 2012 as announced. Parallel to the excavations, the Opret is working on the construction of the 14 stations of Line 2.

Last Friday, the Executive Branch sent six loan agreements to the Senate for EUR250 million or RD$13.5 billion, for the first part of the second Metro line. The global construction contract involves EUR735.3 million, equal to RD$41.823 billion. These agreements will be sent to commissions in the next session for study and consideration.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#2)