View Full Version : Foreign debt up by 21%

05-03-2011, 03:20 PM
At the close of fiscal year 2010 on 31 December, the balance of the Public Sector Non-Financial Foreign Debt was set at US$9.946 billion, an amount some US$1.731 billion more than that registered at the close of 2009, and an increase of 21.1%. This information comes from a report on the Budget Execution and Overall Accountability of the State for the 2010 Budget, and delivered by the Chamber of Accounts to the National Congress last week. In 2010 the government placed sovereign bonds for US$750 million and received disbursements from the IMF Stand-by Arrangement.

The report also cites a negative variation in the exchange rate of US$37.9 million, the result of the appreciation of the US dollar compared to other foreign currencies. The 2010 National Budget set aside RD$45.769 billion, equal to US$1.207 billion for payment of the Foreign Debt of the non-Financial Public Sector. The money was distributed: RD$28.166 billion (US$743 million were set aside for repayments, and RD$17.602 billion (US$464.4 million) was set aside to pay interest and commissions. The sum total was reduced to RD$40.976 billion (US$1.115 billion) by Law 158-10 that modified the amounts set aside for these items, as reported in Diario Libre.

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