View Full Version : Quirino's stuff under the hammer

05-04-2011, 03:30 PM
For the first time the Dominican state will hold a public national and international auction for assets seized from laundering money from drug trafficking. These assets include nine properties that were seized from convicted drug trafficker Quirino Ernesto Paulino Castillo, and are said to be worth RD$105 million.

Diario Libre reports that yesterday's announcement was made by the administrator general of National Assets, Elias Wessin Chavez, and the president of the National Drug Council (CND) Mabel Feliz, as well as representatives from several drug fighting agencies. Wessin Chavez said that anyone interested in attending the auction should send their proposals and letters of intent to the administration of National Assets before 23 May.

He said that public employees and people who have been convicted of drug trafficking were banned from taking part. They will open the envelopes on 24 May in the presence of a commission of notaries, and they will announce the list of people selected on 26 May. Wessin said that the assets seized from Quirino included 21 properties worth an estimated RD$300 million, of which 12 still remain to be auctioned off. They are in the process of being appraised and of receiving the final sentence of seizure.

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