View Full Version : President inaugurates book fair

05-05-2011, 04:00 PM
President Leonel Fernandez cut the symbolic ribbon in a ceremony at the National Theater last night, formally opening the 14th Santo Domingo International Book Fair. The fair is dedicated to the Holy See, and to Monsigor Francisco Jose Arnaiz and Father Jose Luis Saez.

At the opening ceremony Fernandez was joined by Vice President Rafael Alburquerque, First Lady Margarita Cedeno, Papal envoy Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez and Culture Minister Rafael Lantigua. Also attending was Dominican ambassador to the Holy See Victor Grimaldi and Alejandro Arvelo, director of the Fair.

A message from Pope Benedict XVI was shown during the ceremony thanking the DR and those responsible for the organization of the fair for the invitation to be the guest exhibitor. "This prestigious event will, without doubt, be an opportunity for the crowds to appreciate the significant literary production of the Catholic Church and its great contribution to Dominican culture that is appreciated in the figures of Monsignor Francisco Jose Arnaiz and Father Jose Luis Saez to whom the fair has given a special place," said the Pope in his statement in a video. Pope Benedict asked the Lord for blessings so the book fair give abundant fruit and for the children of this country.

Some 33 countries with 440 exhibitors, including 215 from abroad, are participating in the 29 pavilions. A total of 1,579 events have been scheduled. The fair continues through 22 May and the program of events can be downloaded from www.cultura.gob.do/Portals/0/docs/programa2011.pdf (http://www.cultura.gob.do/Portals/0/docs/programa2011.pdf)

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