View Full Version : Ortega & Gasset tunnel opens

05-06-2011, 04:40 PM
President Leonel Fernandez attended the formal opening of an 89-meter tunnel, overpass and pedestrian crossing aimed at easing the flow of traffic at the Jose Ortega y Gasset intersection with Av. 27 de Febrero. The Ministry of Public Works said the roadworks, which cost US$27 million or approximately RD$1 billion, were constructed by Brazilian company Odebrecht with Brazilian export financing.

In the keynote address at yesterday's opening event, Public Works Minister Victor Diaz Rua said that the main work on this stretch of the Duarte Corridor is the tunnel that connects to the state university.

Mayor Roberto Salcedo also spoke at the event, focusing on the way that public spaces had been recovered with the construction works.

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