View Full Version : DR women protest in Washington

10-24-2006, 02:20 PM
Women and girls who are victims of violence in the Dominican Republic find it difficult to access justice, and one of the greatest threats to women's rights is the proposed bill to modify the Criminal Code, according to several Dominican organizations which protested at the Inter-American Human Rights Commission (CIDH) in Washington, DC yesterday. The organizations are claiming that the Criminal Code reform bill represents a step backwards in comparison with the current law on domestic violence. They also insist that elements of the penal code make it difficult for victims to file their cases with authorities and obtain justice, as reported by Clave Digital. The organizations that took part in the protest include the Feminine Action Research Center (CIPAF), Pro-Familia, the INTEC Center for Gender Studies, the Dominican Center for Legal Advice and Research (CEDAIL), the Center for Women's Legal Services (CENSEL), the Santiago Aquelarre Women's Support Group, and the Center for Justice and International Rights (CEJIL), according to a joint statement. Another cause for concern is the proposed reform that exempts an adult from responsibility when he marries an underage girl who he has made pregnant. Representatives of these organizations are taking part in the 126th period of sessions of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission being held at the seat of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington.

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