View Full Version : Judicial limbo for 34 appointees

05-10-2011, 02:50 PM
The lack of definition of the complementary legislation required by the 2010 Constitution has kept 34 judicial appointments to the bench in virtual limbo, according to El Nuevo Diario reporters Osvaldo Santana and Nicanor Leyba. This has created an incomplete judiciary in some instances and an institutional vacuum in others. The National Council of Magistrates (CNM), itself in judicial limbo due to the procedure with which its organic bill was run through Congress, still has to replace or ratify 34 judges in different courts and going all the way to the Supreme Court of Justice. There have been two deaths among the 16 member Supreme Court in recent months, leaving two vacant seats, and six judges have or will very soon reach the obligatory retirement age of 75.

But because the CNM is itself yet to be fully vested, all this is up in the air, and there are differing judicial opinions as to whether the organic bill is a dead letter or just waiting for sufficient time to pass to become law. Added to all of this is the fact that the Constitutional Court is yet to be fully accredited, with some Presidential comments to be considered by the Chamber of Deputies. The scenarios are confusing.

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