View Full Version : Gallup poll shows Mejia leads

05-10-2011, 02:50 PM
The latest Gallup-Hoy poll shows that if the elections were held today, former President Hipolito Mejia would defeat PLD presidential pre-candidate Danilo Medina. Medina lost to Mejia in 2000, when President Leonel Fernandez remained neutral in his support. Fernandez and his close allies are again taking that stance in the run-up to the party primaries, set for 26 June. The Gallup poll indicates that if the election were held today, Mejia would receive 48.7% of the vote, and Medina 40.4%. Neither of the two would have the necessary 50%+1 votes to win in a first round. As reported in Hoy, 78% of citizens polled do not think there are other candidates with a chance of winning the election in 2012. Mejia is the presidential candidate for the PRD.

The poll carried out nationwide among 1,200 possible voters from 26 to 30 April also revealed that 46% would prefer Hipolito Mejia to be President.

Young voters are expected by their numbers to decide this election. In recent months, two issues have caused disenchantment with the PLD among younger voters n the government insistence on building a cement plant in Los Haitises, and the 4% for education movement.

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