View Full Version : De la Rosa to be enshrined

10-24-2006, 02:20 PM
Andres Duran, spokesman for the recently deceased Dominican-born star Nelson de la Rosa, has announced that once the Rhode Island Forensics Lab has finished its autopsy, de la Rosa's body will be flown to the Dominican Republic where it will be embalmed and put into a museum. No word yet on which museum he will be taken to. This is according to a report in the New York Daily News, printed in today's Diario Libre. Duran also clarified earlier reports that de la Rosa had died in New York, by stating that he actually died in Rhode Island. De la Rosa, who was famous for being the world's shortest man, was returning from Chile, and was on his way to visit two of his brothers when he started having complications, believed to be cardiac-related. Duran explained that de la Rosa was originally going to be cremated, but plans have changed.

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