View Full Version : Dominicans disapprove of Fernandez government

05-12-2011, 04:00 PM
President Leonel Fernandez's government has a 28.3% approval rate among Dominicans, the lowest ever, according to the latest Gallup-Hoy poll. When voters were asked if they approved or disapproved of the way Leonel Fernandez is handling the nation, citizens responded on average 59.3% disapprove, 10.5% neutral and 28.3% approve.

When asked for their party inclination, the PLD voters still disapproved; 35% said they did not approve of the Fernandez government performance.

On average 33% said the government was a bad one, 14% considered it very bad, 20% neutral, 28% good and 2.8% very good.

To the question: If you were to evaluate the stewardship of Dr. Leonel Fernandez as President of the present government, would you say it is good, neutral or bad, 32.3% said it was good, 13.6% said neutral and 33.3% said it was bad in the National District, the country's main voting area. Overall, the averages are 27.9% good, 20.4% neutral and 33.3% bad.

The same poll revealed that 63% of citizens perceive that there is more corruption in this government than before. 26% say corruption is the same.

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