View Full Version : Descendants of Spaniards

05-12-2011, 04:00 PM
Thousands of descendants of Spaniards who live in the Dominican Republic have taken on the Spanish citizenship. This includes hundreds who have already received Spanish citizenship in recent months as they applied under the new Spanish law that grants full citizenship to descendants of Spanish Civil War exiles. The Law of Historic Memory has allowed the children and grandchildren of Spaniards who fled the country, or renounced their citizenship between the years 1936 to 1955, to claim the full benefits of Spanish nationality. Some exceptions expand the number of possible beneficiaries. The law confers full benefits of citizenship, including a passport and the eligibility to live and work in the country.

All Spaniards and Spaniards-to-be are now being invited to attend a talk by Manuel Luis Rodriguez, Labor Counselor of the Spanish government, on the rights and obligations of expatriate Spaniards.

The event is set for this Friday, 13 May at 4pm at the Club Sirio-Libanes-Palestino at Autopista 30 de Mayo in Santo Domingo. It is free admission.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#14)