View Full Version : Bank solvency high

05-13-2011, 04:20 PM
The country's banks' ability to meet long-term obligations by March 2011 is 47% above the level established in the Monetary & Finance Law and 84% above the international standard. The Association of Commercial Banks of the Dominican Republic (ABA) reported that at the close of the first quarter the indicator closed at 14.7%. The Monetary & Finance Law sets a required 10.3% and international standards set 8%. Banks president Jose Manuel Lopez Valdez said the result is due to an increase in paid in capital by the banks of approximately 4 billion pesos and an increase in reserve capital of RD$1.2 billion. "This solvency index shows the confidence of banks in the economic future of the country and their commitment to the economic development of our nation," said Lopez.

The solvency ratio measures the size of a company's after-tax income, excluding non-cash depreciation expenses, as compared to the firm's total debt obligations.

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