View Full Version : Government ties with drug trafficking

05-13-2011, 04:20 PM
In the continuing court case for asset laundering linked to drug trafficking in the Dominican Republic, several witnesses have highlighted the strong ties between the traffickers and senior Dominican government officials.

In the First Collegiate Court hearing, presided by judges Gisselle Mendez, July Tamariz and Tania Yunes, witness Roberto Leonel Gonzalez Pimentel said that he had been contracted to polish floors and install marble flooring in several houses and apartments that belonged to Jose David Figueroa Agosto. Figueroa Agosto is standing trial for drug-related charges in his native Puerto Rico. He told the court that he thought Figueroa Agosto was a government official who responsible for real estate operations because he was "always driving luxury vehicles with government license plates". He said that a National Drug Control Department colonel, whose identity he did not reveal, tried to assign a bodyguard to Figueroa, but Figueroa had said this would not be necessary. He said he knew him as Christian Almonte, one of Figueroa's fake identities used in the Dominican Republic.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#12)