View Full Version : Mary Pelaez and Felix Bautista

05-13-2011, 04:20 PM
The speculation as to the relationship between Mary Pelaez, Felix Bautista and Jose David Figueroa Agosto is again in the press. The San Juan de la Maguana PLD Senator Felix Bautista is known to be a close aide of President Fernandez. Prior to seeking his Senate seat, Bautista headed the Public Works Supervisory Office of the Presidency. Today acento.com.do publishes that without having formed a company, businesswoman Mary Pelaez received a contract worth RD$16 million from Bautista in May 2008. The Oficina Supervisora de Obras del Estado, under Bautista, granted Empresa Enadiz S.A. belonging to Mary and Dolfi Pelaez a contract to furnish the Centro Regional Universitario del Cibao Central (CURCE-UASD) and the Piedra Blanca church, in Monsignor Nouel province. Interestingly, an online report carries statements by the parish priest, Father Daldin Felix, saying it was never furnished. Nevertheless, in June 2010, addressing information on the contract, Bautista is reported in El Nacional as saying that the contracts were fully complied with much efficiency and quality furnishings.

www.elnacional.com.do/nacional/2010/6/11/51119/aaaa (http://www.elnacional.com.do/nacional/2010/6/11/51119/aaaa)
www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2009/12/26/307450/Felix-confirma-Mary-Pelaez-es-contratistaEstado (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2009/12/26/307450/Felix-confirma-Mary-Pelaez-es-contratistaEstado)

Lawyer Mario Guerrero Heredia said that Mary Pelaez requested his services for setting up a company after she had won the tender and did not have formal business status. Guerrero Heredia said that Pelaez said she needed a company that appeared to have been operating for some time. He said that his company specializes in the formation of companies for real estate purchases. At the time, Pelaez was not authorized in the governmental procurement registration either.

In the asset laundering trial against Pelaez, it was notified that the company was purchased by suspected drug trafficker Jose Figueroa Agosto and her sister Mary Elvira Pelaez Frappier on 23 May 2008. The company had a paid capital of RD$25,000.

Guerrera Heredia said that the late colonel Jose Amado Gonzalez was the person who introduced Figueroa Agosto to Eddy Brito, Madeline Bernard and others who went on to purchase 10 companies from his firm, paying from US$1,000 to US$1,500 for each.

The information was shared at yesterday's court hearing of the First Collegiate Court of the National District. At the hearing Sobeida Felix Morel, Mary Pelaez, Adolfina Pelaez, Sammy Dauhajre, Ivanovich Smester, Juan Jose Fernandez Ibarra, Eddy Brito and Madeline Bernard face charges of asset laundering and criminal association with the Jose Figueroa Agosto drug network. Figueroa Agosto is standing trial in Puerto Rico for multiple charges.

Early last year journalist Alicia Ortega reported that Felix Bautista lived in the same Torre Serena building where the late colonel Jose Amado Gonzalez Gonzalez, described in the court hearing as one of Jose David Figueroa Agosto's men, was killed on 24 December 2009.

www.rumbony.com/article.cfm?id=3352 (http://www.rumbony.com/article.cfm?id=3352)

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