View Full Version : Cabrera Ruiz turns himself in

05-13-2011, 04:20 PM
Dominican Jesus Pascual Cabrera Ruiz, suspected of acting as a key liaison figure between Puerto Rican drug capo Jose David Figueroa Agosto and Ramon Antonio del Rosario Puente (Tono Lena) in the Dominican Republic, has turned himself in to federal authorities in Puerto Rico to answer to charges of drug trafficking.

Del Rosario Puente is under arrest in Santo Domingo awaiting extradition to San Juan, Puerto Rico for standing trial. El Dia reports there is an expectation that others will also turn themselves in voluntarily. Cabrera Ruiz, who was convicted of drug trafficking and sentenced to 30 years in the DR but later secured a release for supposed lack of evidence, was in charge of picking up drugs sent from Colombia to Figueroa Agosto by air and sea. These shipments were later sent to Puerto Rico.

As reported in El Dia, the US Drug Enforcement Administration has been on the trail of Cabrera Ruiz for a long time. As reported, Santo Domingo prosecutor Alejandro Moscoso Segarra contributed evidence to be used in the trial against him.

Cabrera's arrest coincided with this week's visit by San Juan prosecutor Timothy Henwood who interrogated Eddy Brito, on trial for asset laundering in the Dominican Republic related to the case against Jose David Figueroa Agosto.

El Dia reports that when Cabrera Ruiz was arrested in 1998 it was reported as one of the country's most significant achievements in the annual report on drugs in the DR prepared by the Department of State in 2000. Jesus Pascual Cabrera Ruiz is described by the US Department of State as the head of a Dominican organization responsible for transporting multi-ton quantities of cocaine to Puerto Rico and New York. As a result of this investigation, Cabrera Ruiz was arrested and approximately 1,000 kilograms of cocaine and 1.4 million dollars were seized. Nevertheless, the Second Criminal Court of Santo Domingo discharged him on 31 October 2001, after being sentenced to 30 years in jail by the Third Criminal Court. El Dia reports that at the time he was sent to justice with Martin Cordero (Andres) and Camilo Perez Dilone (Bimbin), members of the so-called La Romana Cartel.

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2011/5/12/375305/Juicio-evidencia-Agosto-tenia-proteccion-oficial (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2011/5/12/375305/Juicio-evidencia-Agosto-tenia-proteccion-oficial)

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