View Full Version : President Fernandez's Haiti visit

05-16-2011, 02:40 PM
President Leonel Fernandez traveled to Haiti for President Michel Martelly's inaugural ceremony on Saturday. He is the first Dominican President to attend a Haitian presidential inaugural.

"When things get better in Haiti, they get better for the Dominican Republic," said Fernandez at the event. He said there were many items on the bilateral agenda, but he expressed confidence that they will be dealt with satisfactorily by the Bilateral Mixed Commission that needed to be reactivated.

Listin Diario reported that when President Fernandez arrived at the Presidential Palace he was greeted by Haitians who were listening to Martelly's inaugural speech.

President Fernandez attended a reception hosted by Martelly for visiting delegations.

Others attending the inaugural included President Porfirio Lobo of Honduras and former United States President Bill Clinton who is co-president of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC).

www.haitilibre.com/en/news-2960-haiti-dominican-republic-the-need-to-reactivate-the-joint-commission-bilateral.html (http://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-2960-haiti-dominican-republic-the-need-to-reactivate-the-joint-commission-bilateral.html)

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