View Full Version : PRD moves ahead of PLD in Gallup poll

05-16-2011, 02:40 PM
In the latest Gallup poll, the PRD inched its way ahead of the ruling PLD party for the first time in nine years. In a poll published in El Caribe on 17 September 2002, the PLD displaced the PRD for the first time since 1990, with 33% to 28%. It has maintained this lead until now. In the April 2011 poll, the PRD moves ahead 37.7% to 31.1% when voters were asked which party they would vote for if the election were held today. The PLD maintains the preference of party, with 41.9% to 39.8% of the PRD, as political analyst Juan Bolivar Diaz comments in Hoy. He says that there is a polarization between two parties in Dominican politics n the PRD and the PLD, with the PRSC a distant 4.7% of party voter preference, but only 2.3% of the intended vote. Diaz observes that 28% of the eligible voters are undecided.

Diaz writes that the numbers reflect the fact that 57.8% are pessimistic, believing that their economic situation will be worse at the end of the current government's term of office, 19.6% think they will be the same, and only 12% think they will be better off. 63% of those polled think corruption is worse than before, 26.8% say it is the same, while only 8.9% of those polled think corruption in this government is less. Only 21% feel the stewardship of the government is the correct one.

He observes that there is a 59.3% disapproval rate among voters, with only 28.3% approving of the government. Evaluating President Fernandez's performance, only 34.8% rate it as good or very good.

Diaz says that the projections for the year with serious fiscal deficit, increasing inflation will make things more difficult for the Danilo Medina campaign or any other PLD candidate.

www.hoy.com.do/tema-de-hoy/2011/5/14/375497/Hipolito-sale-con-buen-pie (http://www.hoy.com.do/tema-de-hoy/2011/5/14/375497/Hipolito-sale-con-buen-pie)

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