View Full Version : Schoen, Penn, & Berland poll

05-16-2011, 02:40 PM
If the Presidential election were held today, former President Hipolito Mejia would win in the first round, according to the latest poll by Penn, Schoen & Berland/Grupo SIN news group. As reported by Antena Latina (Channel 7) and Noticias Sin, Mejia would receive 47% of the vote, the PLD candidate 39%, the PRSC 5% and 9% would not vote. The pollsters estimate that the PRD would receive 51% of the vote because they would attract 4% of those who have said they do not yet know who they would vote for.

The poll was carried out 28 April to 3 May, and 1,000 citizens eligible to vote were polled. The poll has a 3% error margin.

To the question, "If the elections were held today, who would you vote for?" more than 50% said they would vote for former President Mejia.

The results of the poll will be revealed on Monday, 16 May during the 11pm news broadcast by Alicia Ortega on Channel 7. Also participating is economist Bernardo Vega, who represents the polling company in the Dominican Republic.

www.noticiassin.com/2011/05/encuesta-si-elecciones-presidenciales-fueran-hoy-hipolito-mejia-ganaria-en-primera-vuelta/ (http://www.noticiassin.com/2011/05/encuesta-si-elecciones-presidenciales-fueran-hoy-hipolito-mejia-ganaria-en-primera-vuelta/)

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